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Kriyayoga Meditation

The Spiritual Science Of God-Realization


Kriyayoga is the original, ancient yet ever-new spiritual science of God-Realization, preached and practised by all Prophets, Realized Masters, and fully illumined Saints and Sages.


This teaching was first brought to North America in 1920 by Paramahansa Yogananda, author of the spiritual classic, "Autobiography of a Yogi".


The knowledge (light) of Kriyayoga is present within the medulla (Centre of Christ/Prophet-consciousness - the Kutastha centre) of each and every human being.


This Light is Eternal and Immortal. It will never be destroyed by the darkness of ignorance. Anyone who has an eternal deep desire to know God will discover the sacred knowledge of Kriyayoga within the realm of their consciousness and will experience the Bliss of oneness with Spirit-God.

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Kriyayoga as taught by Swami Shree Yogi Satyam is easy to understand and practice.


His teaching is scientific, non-sectarian, and effective. Each session is complete and saturates the body and mind with peace and joy.


Kriyayoga Meditation taught by Swami Shree Yogi Satyam is unique and so simple that it can be easily incorporated into one's daily routine. By this practice, a person becomes physically and mentally charged with Cosmic life-force.

Swami Shree Yogi Satyam
periodically conducts Kriyayoga programs in person at Yog Fellowship.

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Your loving contribution is appreciated:


To help with the maintenance and upkeep of this sacred site as a place to practice the scientific technique of worship that is Kriyayoga Meditation.


Join us to create a united world guided by the vibration of God’s Omnipresent consciousness.

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